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Did You Know.....

Updated: Jan 18, 2022

There is an actual formal family organization called the Benjamin Franklin Johnson Family Organization (BFJFO)?

It is run by a Board of Directors with several committees who work on various projects and tasks. There is a website and a Descendants of Benjamin Franklin Johnson Facebook group page, all run by Board members and volunteers.

In the past, we printed and mailed a newsletter to stay connected. In that publication, in addition to articles of family interest, we asked and received membership dues to help pay for many things to benefit the BFJ family. We have now gone digital, with a large part of the information being shared on Facebook at "Descendants of Benjamin Franklin Johnson". Please join our social media page and visit frequently.

The contribution of yearly dues is critical to the continuation of our organization. Dues pay for family reunions, the printing of family materials like books and DVDs, maintenance costs of special projects, administrative costs like computer software and subscription costs, and efforts in finding and connecting with missing family members.

No member of our organization receives payment for their work. It is strictly voluntary. If you would like to formally join the membership of the BFJFO, please consider a $30 donation which may be securely paid HERE.

If you would like to support the organization but cannot afford dues at this time, please consider joining our volunteer members. We have opportunities in the genealogy, membership, newsletter and reunion committees. Contact Ramon Johnson, Chairman of the BFJFO Board, at to offer assistance.

We sincerely LOVE this family and our heritage! We hope to continue to provide opportunities to learn of our history and connect with family members all over the world!


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